
Privacy policy
Privacy policy

- Article 1 General Provisions

- Article 2 Purpose of collection and use of personal information

- Article 3 Processing and retention period of personal information

- Article 4 Matters concerning provision of personal information to third parties

- Article 5 Rights, obligations and methods of exercise of acceptance and legal representative

- Article 6 Personal information items to be processed

- Article 7 Matters concerning destruction of personal information

- Article 8 Matters pertaining to low-level measures for personal information

- Article 9 Matters pertaining to personal information protection

- Article 10 Request to view personal information

- Article 11 Installation and operation of video information processing equipment

- Article 12 Operation and location of cookies

- Please follow Article 13 changes to the personal information processing policy.

Article 1 General Provisions

“Keyang Electric” processes personal information for the following purposes. Personal information being processed will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

  • (1) Website membership registration and management Confirmation of intention to become a member, identification/authentication of identity through provision of membership services, maintenance/management of membership, identity verification through implementation of limited identity verification system, prevention of illegal use of services, consent of legal representative when processing personal information of children under 14 years of age Personal information is processed for the purposes of confirmation, various notices/notifications, and grievance handling
  • (2) Provision of goods or services Delivery of goods, provision of services, sending of contracts and invoices, provision of content, provision of customized services, identity verification, age verification, fee payment. Personal information is processed for purposes such as settlement and debt collection.
  • (3) Use in marketing and advertising Developing new services (products) and providing customized services, providing event and advertising information and participation opportunities, providing services and posting advertisements according to demographic characteristics, verifying the effectiveness of services, determining access frequency, or statistics on members’ service use, etc. We process personal information for this purpose.
  • (4) Personal video information Personal information is processed for the purposes of crime prevention and investigation, facility safety, and fire prevention.
  • (5) A/S processing Personal information is processed for the purposes of verifying the applicant's identity, confirming A/S matters, contacting and notifying for factual investigation, and notifying processing results.
Article 2 Purpose of collection and use of personal information

“Keyang Electric” processes personal information for the following purposes. Personal information being processed will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

  • (1) Website membership registration and management Confirmation of intention to become a member, identification/authentication of identity through provision of membership services, maintenance/management of membership, identity verification through implementation of limited identity verification system, prevention of illegal use of services, consent of legal representative when processing personal information of children under 14 years of age Personal information is processed for the purposes of confirmation, various notices/notifications, and grievance handling.
  • (2) Provision of goods or servicesDelivery of goods, provision of services, sending of contracts and invoices, provision of content, provision of customized services, identity verification, age verification, fee payment. Personal information is processed for purposes such as settlement and debt collection.
  • (3) Use in marketing and advertisingDeveloping new services (products) and providing customized services, providing event and advertising information and participation opportunities, providing services and posting advertisements according to demographic characteristics, verifying the effectiveness of services, determining access frequency, or statistics on members’ service use, etc. We process personal information for this purpose.
  • (4) Personal video informationPersonal information is processed for the purposes of crime prevention and investigation, facility safety, and fire prevention.
  • (5)A/S processingPersonal information is processed for the purposes of verifying the applicant's identity, confirming A/S matters, contacting and notifying for factual investigation, and notifying processing results.
Article 3 Processing and retention period of personal information

“Keyang Electric” processes and retains personal information within the personal information retention and use period in accordance with the law or within the personal information retention and use period agreed upon when collecting personal information from the information subject. The processing and retention periods for each personal information are as follows.

  • (1) Website membership registration and management is managed until the subscriber withdraws from the website. However, if any of the following reasons apply, personal information will be retained until the relevant reason ends.
    • ① If an investigation or investigation is in progress for violation of relevant laws and regulations, until the end of the investigation or investigation,
    • ② If claims and debts remain due to use of the website, until the claims and debts are settled.
  • (2) Provision of goods or services is maintained until the supply of goods or services is completed and fee payment/settlement is completed. However, in the following cases, it will be retained until the end of the relevant period.
    • ① Records of transactions such as labeling, advertising, contract details, and performance in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
      • - Records of labeling and advertising: 6 months
      • - Records of contract or subscription cancellation, payment, supply of goods, etc.: 5 years
      • - Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years
    • ② Storage of communication confirmation data in accordance with Article 41 of the Communications Secrets Protection Act
      • - Subscriber telecommunication date and time, start/end time, counterpart subscriber number, frequency of use, sending base station location tracking data: 1 year
      • - Computer communication, internet log record data, access point tracking data: 3 months
    • ③ Storage of personal identification information in accordance with Article 29 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
      • - 6 months after information posting ends on the bulletin board
Article 4 Matters concerning provision of personal information to third parties

"Keyang Electric" processes the personal information of the information subject only within the scope specified in Article 1 (Purpose of Personal Information Processing), and only in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the information subject and special provisions of the law. Personal information is provided to third parties only in certain cases.

  • (1) In the event of a complete succession or transfer of the rights and obligations of the service provider, such as a sale, merger or acquisition, the customer will be notified in detail of the justifiable reasons and procedures in advance, and the customer will be given the option to withdraw consent to personal information.
  • (2) In addition, when providing or sharing a customer's personal information, the person providing or sharing it with the customer in advance, the purpose of use of the person providing or sharing it, the personal information items provided or shared, the personal information items provided or shared, We will notify you by email or in writing of the fact that you have the right to refuse consent and the disadvantages resulting from refusal of consent, and then ask for your consent.
  • (3) In the following cases, it is possible to provide personal information without the customer's consent in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.
    • ① Fulfillment of contract for service provision
    • ② When there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by law for the purpose of investigation.
    • ③ When information is processed and provided in a form that does not identify specific individuals for statistical purposes, academic research, or market research.
Article 5 Rights, obligations and methods of exercise of users and legal representatives
  • (1) The information subject may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection with respect to “Keyang Electric”.
    • ① Request to view personal information
    • ② Request for correction if there is an error, etc.
    • ③ Request for deletion
    • ④ Request to stop processing
  • (2) The exercise of rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be done in writing, e-mail, or facsimile (FAX) in accordance with the form in Annex No. 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act for “Keyang Electric”, and “Keyang Electric” shall hereby do so. We will take action without delay.
  • (3) If the information subject requests correction or deletion of errors in personal information, “Keyang Electric” will not use or provide the personal information until correction or deletion is completed.
  • (4) The exercise of rights under paragraph 1 may be done through an agent, such as the information subject's legal representative or a person authorized to do so. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in the format of Appendix 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.
  • (5) The information subject must not infringe on the personal information and gambling activities of the information subject or others processed by Keyang Electric in violation of relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act.
Article 6 Personal information items processed

“Keyang Electric” processes the following personal information items.

  • (1) Providing goods or services
    • ① Required items: Name
    • ② Optional items: mobile phone number, email
  • (2) The following personal information items may be automatically created and collected during the use of Internet services.
    IP address, cookie, MAC address, service use record, visit record, bad use record, etc.
Article 7 Matters concerning destruction of personal information
  • (1) In principle, “Keyang Electric” destroys the personal information without delay when the personal information retention period has expired or the purpose of processing has been achieved and the personal information becomes unnecessary. (2) If personal information must continue to be preserved pursuant to other laws and regulations even though the personal information retention period agreed to by the information subject has expired or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information is transferred or stored in a separate database (DB) It is preserved in different locations.
    • ① Records related to contracts or cancellation of subscription, etc. (5 years)
    • ② Records of payment and supply of goods, etc. (5 years)
    • ③ Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution (3 years)
  • (3) The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.
    • ①Destruction procedure
      “Keyang Electric” selects the personal information for which there is a reason for destruction and destroys the personal information with the approval of the personal information protection manager of “Keyang Electric”.
    • ②Destruction method
      "Keyang Electric" destroys personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files so that the records cannot be reproduced, and personal information recorded and stored in paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.
Article 8 Matters concerning measures to ensure the stability of personal information

In accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, “Keyang Electric” is taking the following technical/administrative and physical measures to ensure stability.

  • (1) Minimization and training of employees handling personal informationWe are implementing measures to manage personal information by designating employees who handle personal information and limiting it to the person in charge.
  • (2) Operation of a dedicated organization for personal information protectionWe check the implementation of personal information protection measures and whether the person in charge is complying with them through an in-house personal information protection organization, and take immediate corrective action when a problem is discovered. However, "Keyang Electric" is not responsible for any problems that occur due to leakage of personal information due to the customer's negligence or Internet problems.
  • (3) Encryption of personal informationThe user's personal information is stored and managed in an encrypted manner so that only the user can know it. Separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission data or using the file lock function are used for important data.
  • (4) Technical measures against hacking, etc."Keyang Electric" installs a security program and conducts periodic updates and inspections to prevent leakage and damage of personal information due to hacking or computer viruses, installs the system in an area with controlled access from the outside, and technically and physically monitors and blocks it. I'm doing it.
  • (5) Restrictions on access to personal informationNecessary measures are taken to control access to personal information by granting, changing, and deleting access rights to the database system that processes personal information, and unauthorized access from outside is controlled using an intrusion prevention system.
  • (6) Storage of access records and prevention of forgery and falsificationWe store and manage access records to the personal information processing system for at least six months, and use security features to prevent access records from being forged, altered, stolen, or lost.
  • (7) Use of locking device for document securityDocuments and auxiliary storage media containing personal information are stored in a secure location with a locking device.
  • (8) Access control for unauthorized personsWe have a separate physical storage location where personal information is stored and have established and operated access control procedures for it.
Article 9 Matters pertaining to the person in charge of personal information protection
  • (1) “Keyang Electric” is responsible for overall work related to personal information processing and has designated a personal information protection manager as follows to handle complaints and provide relief for damage from information subjects related to personal information processing.
    • ① Personal information protection officer
      Department Name: Management Information Team
      Person in charge: Team leader Gyu-shin Lee
      Contact: 02-559-6805
    • ② Personal information protection manager
      Department Name: Management Information Team
      Person in charge: Deputy Director Kang Ki-ho
      Contact: 02-559-6814
  • (2) The information subject may request access to personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act, which describes all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaint handling, damage relief, etc. that arise while using the service (business) of "Keyang Electric". You can contact the person in charge of protection or the department in charge.
    “Keyang Electric” will endeavor to promptly process the information subject’s request to view personal information.
    • - Personal information access request reception and processing department
      Department Name: Management Information Team
      Person in charge: Deputy Director Kang Ki-ho
      Contact: 02-559-6814
Article 10 Request to view personal information

The organizations below are separate from “Keyang Electric”. If you are not satisfied with “Keyang Electric”’s own personal information complaint handling and damage relief results, or if you need further assistance, please contact us.

  • (1) Personal Information Infringement Report Center (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
    • - Responsibilities: Reporting personal information infringement, requesting consultation
    • - Website:
    • - Phone: (without area code) 118
  • (2) Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
    • - Responsibilities: Personal information dispute mediation application, group distribution mediation (civil resolution)
    • - Website:
    • - Phone: (without area code) 118
  • (3) Cybercrime investigation by the Supreme Prosecutors' Office
    • - Website:
    • - Phone: 02-3480-3573
  • (4) National Police Agency Cyber Safety Guardian
    • - Website:
    • - Phone: (without area code) 182
Article 11 Installation and operation of video information processing equipment

“Keyang Electric” has created and managed a separate video information processing device management policy in relation to the installation and operation of video information processing devices.

Article 12 Operation and rejection of cookies

“Keyang Electric” may use “cookies” to provide efficient services to members and collect various statistical data, and may collect IP addresses for service-related system management.
To refuse cookie settings, you can allow all cookies, confirm each time you save a cookie, or refuse to save all cookies by selecting the options in the web browser you use.
Example of setting method (for Internet Explorer): Top of web browser > Tools > Internet Options > Personal Information
However, if you refuse to store cookies, you may have difficulty using some services that require login.

Article 13 Notice of changes to personal information processing policy

If there are additions, deletions, or changes to the personal information processing policy in accordance with laws and policies from the date of enforcement, notification will be made through a notice 7 days prior to implementation of the changes. However, if important matters change, such as providing personal information to a third party, changing the purpose of collection or use, or changing the retention period, we will obtain the customer's consent.
This privacy policy is effective from June 1, 2012.


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